What We Believe
We are Apostolic…
This means we choose to walk in the ways and teachings of Jesus, just like the Apostles did. Still today, we have the same mandate that the Apostles did; we are called to be separate from this world, and we are called to reach the lost.
Faith / Salvation
Faith is the first step toward initiating Salvation. We believe that salvation is for whosoever will come and that it is a result of the sovereign grace of God.
Salvation is clearly laid out in Acts 2:38. In fulfillment of the Salvation Plan put into place by God, we believe that one must repent, be baptized in Jesus’ Name, and receive the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues to make it to Heaven.
Sin / Repentance
Every person has sinned and stands in need of redemption, which is obtained through faith in the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. Those who repent of their sin and who are born again become children of God.
Repentance is both the acknowledging of one’s personal sins as well as the sin nature inherited from the Fall of Adam. Repentance includes Godly Sorrow as well as a change of direction and lifestyle.
Our Responsibility
Every believer must have a personal and intimate relationship with Jesus Christ, for apart from Him we can do nothing. Each person has a ministry from God that no one else can fill. We are to instruct, teach, exhort, and admonish believers in the ways of God.
Godly living and the pursuit of a holy life should be the goal of every believer.