Weekly Announcements
This is a the place where you can catch up with what’s going on around TurnPoint Church!
Coming Up…
Men’s Deer Roast
February 22nd | 5:00 PM in the Activity Center
All Men and Boys are welcome to join us for fellowship, good food, and prizes at the Annual Men’s Deer Roast!
H.E.L.P Grief Support Group
March 4th | 7:00 PM in the Activity Center
Healing the Effects of Loss and Pain is a group that meets the first Tuesday of each month. If you or someone near you has experienced the loss of a loved one, you are invited to attend this meeting. No cost. Light refreshments are served.
Embrace Recovery (A.C.T.S.)
March 11th | 7:00 PM in the Activity Center
Embrace Recovery (ACTS) is a group for anyone who is trying to break addiction. Embrace Recovery meets weekly on Tuesday evenings at 7:00PM in room 104 of the Activity Center. We believe that heavy chains of addiction can be broken with God’s help and your decision to change. Please contact the church office at (614-836-3777) to register for free.
Repeating Events
No Limits
Every Monday | 7:00 PM in the Activity Center
No Limits is a piece of the 12-step program, where one can engrain themselves into a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. This meeting is open to any and everyone, whether you have a dependency problem, are a support person, or someone who would like to learn more about No Limits.
Food is served at 6:30PM
Meeting starts at 7:00PM
Intercessory Prayer
Every Day ( Monday - Friday ) | 12:00 PM in the Sanctuary
All are welcome to join Pastor and Sis. Arata for a time of intercessory prayer for our loved ones, our church, and our community. If you are interested in joining this team or would like to receive notifications please contact the church office at 614-836-3777.